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Please fill in your details to request to follow The Brain Tumour Charity’s Teenagers Instagram account, indicating whether you are living with a diagnosis, or you are a sibling affected by a diagnosis..

You must be between the ages of 13 and 17 years to sign up

Information about your diagnosis


The services for 13-17 year olds, including the private Teenagers Instagram Account, are a place for you to share your thoughts, feelings and any questions you have. For this reason we will not usually share what is said in the groups or anything you talk to us about.

There may be times when we will decide to break confidentiality to keep you or another member of the group safe. We will do this if we are worried about you or someone else. We will always try and speak to you first, but we may not be able to. If we are very worried about you we may contact the emergency contact you give us in order to keep you safe.

To stay safe we ask that you do not share any personal information – such as your address, telephone number or bank information on Instagram or any other social media groups. Don’t forget that once you post something on social media it can be saved or shared by others.

Emergency contact details

Please note that we will need to get in touch with your emergency contact before we accept your follow request.

They are my
We promise to keep your details safe and never sell or swap them with anyone. Our privacy policy explains how we keep this promise. If you don't want to hear from us, or you change your mind about how we contact you, please email enquiries@thebraintumourcharity.org or call 01252 237792