NeW Opportunity Feminism Course
Please fill this application out completely to apply to participate in the following course, Opportunity Feminism: Bridging the Gap Between Girlbosses and Tradwives. Please email with any questions.
First Name
Last Name
Undergraduate University
Graduation Year
Workplace (
if applicable
Preferred Email
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Cell Phone Number
Why are you interested in participating in the NeW Opportunity Feminism Course? (In 150 words or less)
150 words remaining
Are you a dues-paying member? If not, you can sign up for $5/year for students or $25/year for young professionals by clicking
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Course Commitment
By checking this box, I commit to attending at least 5 out of the 6 course sections. I understand that if I do not attend at least 5 sessions and complete the course requirements, I will not be issued a certificate of course completion.
Link to your Facebook profile
Link to your Instagram profile
Link to your Twitter/X profile
Best address to mail your FREE sticker pack for applying and attending the first session.
How did you hear about the course and/or who recommended the course to you?
Contact Information
By registering, you agree to receive communications from the Network of Enlightened Women.