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Youth Work Education Recovery Fund

Application Form

Before proceeding to complete the application form you should:


1.    Ensure you have read and fully understand the guidance document which you can download here

2. Read the technical guidance to help you fill in the online form

3.    Ensure you have the following documents to hand:

·       Audited accounts or Receipts and Payment Statement

·       Public Liability Insurance Certificate

·       And, if your  organisation was established within the last year, a copy of your latest bank statement

Section 1 - Contact Details

Section 2 - About Your Organisation

Registered Office Address 

Section 3 - About your proposal
1. Please confirm that your proposal fits with following (mandatory) objectives 

You will be asked to make clear how the proposed activity supports these objectives in question 4

You should make clear how the proposed activity supports these objectives in question 4

Use bullets points for each objective if this helps

Don’t use this section to give us general statistics about the area or young people who live there

This is one of the key fund criteria

Section 3 - About your proposal ctd

Tell us about any partners involved and their role:

9. Start date of project / End date of project

Section 4 - Participant and Programme Details
The Youth Work Education Recovery Fund supports opportunities for young people aged 12-25.

Please break this down by age and gender.
How many boys aged 12-14 years?
How many girls aged 12-14 years?
How many boys aged 15-19 years?
How many girls aged 15-19 years?
How many boys 20- 25years?
How many girls 20- 25 years?

Section 5 - Outcome for Young People
The overall aim of this fund is to support opportunities for young people to engage or re-engage with youth work activities that build their confidence and skills; support their health and well-being; and that address the poverty-related attainment gap. Proposed youth work activity should achieve at least three of the following outcomes for young people.

Supplementary Questions - Improved literacy & numeracy

Supplementary Questions - Improved health & wellbeing

Supplementary Questions - Increased attendance at school

Supplementary Questions - Increased engagement in learning

Supplementary Questions - Overcoming barriers to learning

Supplementary Questions - Developing skills, including interpersonal skills

Supplementary Questions - Developing employability skills and / or readiness for work

Supplementary Questions - Securing positive and sustained destinations

Supplementary Questions - Raising attainment through recognition of wider learning and achievement (e.g. youth awards)

Section 6 - Equalities

In order to understand how well the fund supports young people with protected characteristics we'd like to ask you about the young people involved after you have completed your project.

Section 7 - Finance
Please detail what funding you require (Please refer to the fund guidelines for information on eligible cost). 
Please enter only numerical information in the "amount" box - do not add a £ sign)
Amount (£) Breakdown
Staff Time
Venue Costs
Activity Costs

Section 8 - Bank Details

Section 9- Supporting Documents 

Section 10- Sustainability 

Section 11 - Compliance 

Are you satisfied that your organisation and all partner organisations have clear policy, effective procedures and appropriate staff training in relation to the following?