Donation Type
Single (One-Time) Donation
Recurring Monthly Donation
Please select...
Online Gift
Pay it Forward
Filmmaker Support
In Memory of Nancy MacDougall
Payment Frequency
Please select...
Monthly - Monthly same date
Payment Type
Pledged Amount
Date Range
Number of Installments
Ongoing Contribution
Payment Start Date
Use this space if you would like your donation to be processed on a specific date. Leave blank to process donation within 24 hours.
Payment End Date
Use this space if you would like your recurring donation to end on a specific date. Leave blank to set up an open ended recurring donation. This can be updated at any time.
Payment Count
if Payment set to stop after a specified number of instalments, specify that number here.
Donation Pledged
Total Balance of Donation (Pledged Amount)
Please enter the total amount of your donation here. Donations in the amount listed at the top of this form will be made as per the Payment Frequency (installments) until this total amount is achieved.
TransactionCount = default 48 months
Installment Amount
Recognition Name
(if applicable)
Donation Amount
Donor Info
Is this a Personal Donation or a Corporate Donation?
This donation is from me
This donation is from my company
Donor Company Name
Donor First Name
Donor Last Name
Donor email address
Billing Street Address
Billing City
Billing Zip/Postal
Billing Country
Payment Information
Card Type
Please select...
American Express
Credit Card Number
CVV Number
This is a security code. Please enter last three digits by the signature strip on the back of your card.
Card Expiration (Month)
Card Expiration (Year)
Full Name (as appears on card)
Questions, please contact
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