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Oakland Promise
Mentor Information Session
Scholar Scenario Activity

Instructions: Below you will find a list of the primary areas of support that are expected of Oakland Promise Mentors. You will be submitting a brief short answer response to a hypothetical scenario pertaining to that topic. You may choose which topic and scenario you want to write about. Given present circumstances, assume that your interactions with your Scholar are limited to virtual communication.
Contact Information

Please enter the email on file with Oakland Promise.
Mentor Supports

Building Social Capital

Your first-year Scholar is anxious about making connections on campus. They are a self-described introvert, and used to finding their own way. You understand that knowing how to make connections in college is something many students take for granted. The Mentor wants to support their Scholar right off the bat in connecting authentically and in a way that is comfortable for them, but stretches the student, as well. They are looking for a way to have this conversation when the Scholar texts them that they are thinking of joining some clubs, but aren’t sure which of the three that look interesting they should choose.

Career Development

Your third-year Scholar is looking ahead to their graduation; they know that they should already be making plans for finding a post-grad, career job. There are internship fairs, mock interview practices, resume and cover letter review services and more available through the campus career center. But this term they are taking their heaviest course load and they feel overwhelmed at the thought of taking on an internship search. They know that without some amount of dedication to the process and a strategy to focus their efforts, they may miss some great opportunities right at their doorstep. They decide to let you know about this stressor.

Finance and Budgeting

Money is tight for a Scholar and you learn that they have been going hungry, skipping meals.

Navigating College/Academics

Your Scholar attends community college and is taking courses with the intention of completing their AA in child development and starting their career as a pre-school professional. Mid-way through the first year of their program they decide to consider transferring to a four-year school to obtain a BA in teaching. The student isn’t sure how to begin exploring their transfer options and they ask you for guidance.

Social/Emotional Health

Your Scholar’s first month of school is an emotional rollercoaster! In high school they worked hard and were rewarded with great grades. They felt supported by their peers and teachers.  They thrived and felt like they belonged. Since arriving on campus they have been fighting a rising tide of self-doubt and second-guessing; they no longer feel special or accomplished. They wonder if they should even be there, and can’t understand what is making them feel like a fraud. You pick up on what sounds like Imposter Syndrome when you speak to the Scholar after an especially tough week.


Do Not submit your answers until after the completion of the group discussion. You will not have access to your answers once you submit them.