Mid-Term Internship Performance Assessment

Overview & Instructions
The goal of the midterm assessment is to lay the groundwork for you and your Fellow to have a productive conversation that contributes to their learning and their on-going ability to contribute to your work. In the spirit of best practice for workplace performance evaluation, you and your Social Innovation Fellow will assess performance to date and agree on work-plan revisions and other course corrections as needed. CFSI faculty will follow up with Fellows who are not performing at a “meets expectations” level. Mid-Term Progress grades are for monitoring purposes only, and will not be factored into the final grade for the class.

Please use the Semester in the City (SITC) / Semester in Impact (SFI) Internship Evaluation rubric to rate each section of this evaluation. Completion of this evaluation should include with a formal a one-on-one meeting with the Fellow to review the feedback. 

Please reach out to your CFSI Advisor with any questions or concerns. 
Placement Information

This is collected so that a copy of your evaluation can be automatically sent to you

Internship Evaluation Rubric

The following scale is provided for reference only, we assume that students' performance will vary by item and category. We will only use the Final internships Performance Evaluation (rather than the Mid-Term Internship Performance Assessment) to calculate Fellows’ grades. However, this information helps inform our team on how to best support the fellow and mentor.
  • 1 - Never (58%)              
  • 2 - Seldom (65%)              
  • 3 - Sometimes (72%)       
  • 4 - Fairly Often (79%)     
  • 5 - Often (86%)            
  • 6 - Most of the Time (93%)     
  • 7 - Always (100%)

Professionalism and Project Management 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Teamwork and Interpersonal Effectiveness
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Design Thinking and Human Centered Problem-Solving
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Growth Mindset and  Professional Development
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Communication and Persuasive Storytelling
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Evaluation Follow-Up

CFSI Supports & Resources

We really appreciate the feedback you have provided in the previous sections for the Fellow.  This last section is an opportunity to share more with us about your experience as a mentor.