MBA Admissions Meetings
Schedule a MBA Admissions Meeting
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Admissions Advisor Chats
Admissions Advisor Chats
We welcome you to connect with us virtually by signing up to chat with an Admissions Advisor. Prospective students can expect to chat with a member of our team for 15 minutes about our Full-time MBA, Flex MBA and Flex MBA Online Programs and application process. We encourage you to prepare for your conversation by reviewing our website and developing a targeted list of questions for your conversation. If you have any questions about our availability, contact us at:
Student Ambassador Coffee Chats
Join our MBA Student Ambassadors in a small group setting to hear their perspective on the Georgetown MBA curriculum, student life, career management, and overall direction of the program. Space is limited, so reserve your spot today!
Staff Coffee Chats
Join MBA Admissions staff members in a small group setting to hear their perspective on the Georgetown MBA curriculum, student life, career management, and overall direction of the program. Space is limited, so reserve your spot today!
Student Ambassador Chats
First Name
Last Name
Your preferred email
Your preferred phone number:
Program of interest:
Full-Time MBA Program
Flex MBA Program
Flex MBA Online Program
MAAP Deferred Enrollment Program Interest:
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Application Term
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Contact Information