Muskegon Area  Promise Scholars:

Annual Acceptance is required. Online acceptance via an electronic form is our current source and platform for accepting all awards. Due to Promise Zone financial responsibility, planning and means, any student looking to accept and claim their Promise award are respectfully asked to do so on, or BEFORE, July 1 in any given year. This is a soft deadline for planning reasons only. Students are in fact eligible for open and year-round enrollment. 

Student Information
School Information
Information, Release and Consent

Congratulations on earning this great opportunity here in our county! Your hard work in high school has paid off for your future. Our vision for the Promise Scholarship is one that will promote post-secondary education and prepare students such as yourself for future success in college and career choices. If you have not done so already, we encourage you to begin the process of college enrollment, by speaking with a professional in Admissions and Financial Services at either college very soon! Please complete the below Acceptance of Award survey so we can begin planning for enrollment and communicate with the colleges on your behalf! For additional information, or questions and terms about the Promise Scholarship, please contact our office directly at 231-767-3623 or Consent Terms and Electronic Release: I hereby authorize any school that I am enrolled in that participates in the Promise Zone Scholarship, through its agents and employees, to release any of my financial aid, attendance, demographic and/or academic record information, in whole or in part, to my local Promise Zone Authority/Organization coordinator, or his/her designee, to facilitate the analysis of my scholarship eligibility and the subsequent educational and economic impact of this scholarship. As a recipient of a Promise Zone educational scholarship, that award information becomes part of my educational record. By consenting to receive any scholarship amount awarded to me, I agree to allow the release of this information in my educational record to third parties specified under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). FERPA affords certain rights to students concerning the privacy of, and access to, their education records. While this form authorizes my school, in conjunction with the local Promise Zone Authority/Organization, to release educational records to third parties, it does not obligate either entity to do so. My school reserves the right to review and respond to requests for release of my educational record on a case-by-case basis. The Promise Zone Scholarship can have several positive impacts on postsecondary enrollment, persistence, degree attainment and overall success in college. To understand these impacts, I authorize my postsecondary academic record information, in whole or in part, to be released back to my local Promise Zone Authority/Organization coordinator, or his/her designee, in adherence to FERPA for analysis to inform and improve the Promise Zone Scholarship program. I also authorize my local Promise Zone Authority/Organization to use information regarding my scholarship in promotion of the Promise Zone Scholarship. The Muskegon Area Intermediate School District, 630 Harvey Street, Muskegon, MI, 49442, and its entities may be authorized to use my portrait, picture, photograph, name, voice and/or image on video tape, audio tape or film, or any other reproduction of me and to distribute and/or exchange copies of these to promote the programs of the Muskegon Area Intermediate School District and the public schools of Muskegon County. No compensation is guaranteed to be offered in exchange for permission. This release is authorized starting on the date of the electronic signature on this agreement and after scholarship receipt for statistical purposes. To rescind this Authorization, I understand that I must submit written notification of rescission to my school. I will also notify my local Promise Zone Authority/Organization in writing of my decision to rescind my authorization. This rescission would result in the termination of my receipt of the scholarship. My signature (and that of my parent/guardian if I am under the age of 18) electronically via date stamp indicates that I have read this Authorization to Release Educational Records form and that I authorize the release of educational records as described above. *Prevailing rates and cost of attendance is approved annually in the Spring.
Terms of the Promise * (Read each term carefully. Check off each term to ensure your consent, receipt and understanding)* 
In adherence with the Promise Zone Authority Act – our promise of financial assistance to all eligible* students include fostering a path to a degree, and/or other high quality credential.  Award terms include:

Other Relevant Limitations & Conditions
Release and Consent
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