YSF Goal Planner

Goal Planner Overview

We believe that goal-setting is important for success in the college recruitment process and in life. Goals give you direction and allow you to take control of your future. We also believe in the power of writing down your goals and sharing them with people who support you. The YSF Goal Planner was designed to help you think deeply about your college soccer goals and develop a plan to accomplish them. We hope this tool will help you stay focused, enable you to track your progress, and encourage you to develop new strategies when necessary.
GP Overview
Connect with your Mentor
Set up a time to meet with your mentor to review your goals:
Carlos  |  Matthew  |  Panchito |  Pedro

We believe that goal-setting is important for success in the college recruitment process and in life. Goals give you direction and allow you to take control of your future. We also believe in the power of writing down your goals and sharing them with people who support you. The YSF Goal Planner was designed to help you think deeply about your college soccer goals and develop a plan to accomplish them. We hope this tool will help you stay focused, enable you to track your progress, and encourage you to develop new strategies when necessary.
Complete this Goal Planner at the beginning of every academic term. Meet with your mentor to review your progress.
Passion and Motivation:

Everyone has a different purpose and motivation for pursuing college soccer. Why do you want to continue playing soccer beyond high school? Why do you want to play soccer in the college setting? What motivates you to attend college? It's important to be aware of your source of motivation as it will push you to do whatever it takes to stay focused and achieve your goals.
Ultimate College Soccer Goal: 

There are hundreds of college soccer programs so it's important to have a sense of the type of environment you need to meet your personal needs and goals. Being able to define the ideal type of program requires knowledge of the world of college soccer. This takes plenty of time and research. To begin, think about what role soccer plays in your academic goals. Or, what role does college play in your athletic goals? What type of soccer program would be most suitable for you? What type of college are you aiming for? What are your priorities in your college search? Try your best to describe your most ideal environment to guide your recruitment process. Be open to changing your priorities as you learn more!
Short-Term Goals: 

What do you need to accomplish now in order to reach your ultimate college soccer goal?

Once you define what you want to achieve and why, you can create a personal plan of action by setting short-term goals for the semester. What do you need to work on in these three areas in order to stay on track? Remember to set SMART goals. 


Examples: - Raise my GPA to a 3.6 by the end of the semester. - Complete an SAT test prep course with Princeton Review by July and take the SAT in August. - See my math teacher after school once per week to ask questions and improve my grade to an A by the end of fall semester.

Examples: - Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep on a daily basis to improve my performance and overall health. - Cut down on my social media use to only X hours a day. - Sit down with my parents at least 2 times this semester to go over my college goals and the colleges on my list.

Examples: - Complete my highlight video and get feedback by June 30 so I can begin reaching out to college coaches on my college list. - By the end of the fall semester, establish communication with coaches from the following colleges:... - Send updates to all the coaches on my college list about my new SAT score as soon as it is available.
Beyond Goals: 

Your daily habits and how you manage your time play a huge role in whether or not you'll achieve your goals. The more intentional and disciplined you are with your time, the more likely you are to see progress. Reflecting on your current habits can help you identify what’s working and what might need to change in order to reach your bigger goal of playing college soccer.

Examples: - Raise my GPA to a 3.6 by the end of the semester. - Complete an SAT test prep course with Princeton Review by July and take the SAT in August. - See my math teacher after school once per week to ask questions and improve my grade to an A by the end of fall semester.