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On behalf of The DAISY Foundation and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement we would like to invite your DAISY partner organization to submit a deserving nurse or nurse-led team as nominees for the 2025 DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses in Patient Safety.

The award will be presented during the IHI Annual Patient Safety Congress March 10th-11th in San Diego, CA.

All nurses and nurse-led teams from DAISY partner organization are eligible and do not have to be past DAISY Award recipients.

The deadline to submit nominations is Sunday, November 10th

General questions can be sent to tenabarnescarraher@DAISYfoundation.org and technical questions can be directed to christinajairamani@DAISYfoundation.org

Please provide the following information:

Who is the Nominee?

Optional DAISY Honoree Information 
If the nurse or nurse-led team you are nominating has received a DAISY Award in the past, please tell us about it here!

Where Does This Nominee Work?

Tell Us More About Your Nominee

Please tell us how your Nominee demonstrates her/his/their commitment to patient/workplace safety by providing statements of support from the Nominee's CNO plus either the Nurse Manager or a patient/family member. This award is highly competitive, so details that create compelling evidence of safety will serve your Nominee well.   At least 2 of the following must be submitted, one of whom needs to be the nominee's CNO:

- The Nominee's CNO (required)

- The Nominee's Nurse Manager

- A patient or family member who was cared for by your Nominee

Who Should We Contact About This Nominee Should We Have Questions?

Please Tell Us About Your CNO