Keep Texas Beautiful Mentor Application

The purpose of the Affiliate Mentor Program is to help create sustainable affiliates by providing a personal touch and guidance from fellow affiliates during the beginning of their affiliation process, or as they try to get back in Good Standing with their organization. 

As a mentor you will be matched with mentees for a one year period during which you will be required to have at least 3 points of contact with your mentee(s). During this time, you will be invited to take part in quarterly mentor meetings to interact with fellow mentors and get additional support from KTB staff. 

Mentor Responsibilities:
*3 points of contact within a year of starting to work with your mentee
*Provide mentorship, advice, and best practices to help guide new or struggling affiliates
*Familiarize yourself with tools and resources provided by KTB through the Affiliate Portal
*Completes a mentor status form for each point of contact throughout the mentorship

We invite any official affiliates with at least Silver Star Standing to apply to be an affiliate mentor. As a reminder, mentors do receive a discounted rate off conference registration as incentive for participation and can use their participation toward Gold Star affiliate status.

Did you actually mean to look for the Mentee Application Form? If so, please visit this link here: 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Corinne Pierce at