Thank you for your interest in volunteering to support a small business affected by the pandemic shutdowns. By filling out and submitting the form below you agree:

  • To be paired with clients facing commercial leasing issues requiring representation focused on alternative dispute resolution. 
  • To make a good faith effort to work with a client paired with you, including i.e. conducting any necessary conflicts check within 3–5 business days, contacting the client to inform them of the outcome of the conflicts check, setting an initial call within 3–5 days from conclusion of the conflicts check. The total time from receiving the referral to contacting clients who clear a conflicts check should be within 10 business days.
  • As part of this program you agree to provide up to 5 hours of fully pro bono representation, not to expire until completion of a 90-minute mediation session. 
  • If the client requires continuing representation after a good faith effort to resolve the matter informally and/or via formal court sponsored mediation, you may offer to continue to represent the client on a pro bono or ‘low’ bono sliding scale representation as long as the relationship accords with the New York Rules of Professional Conduct.
  • And, that you currently carry sufficient malpractice insurance for the representation described above. [Note, NYSBA and Start Small Think Big are working to offer pro bono coverage but it is not available at this time for mediation or litigation via this program; we hope to be able to offer coverage to volunteers soon.] 

Once you submit this form, you will be added to the volunteer list to be paired with a client in need of assistance. Upon pairing, you will receive the client file compiled by the Commercial Lease Assistance Partnership (“LAP”) and the emergency rapid response screening process. Along with the file, you will receive confirmation of the above requirements to volunteer along with additional relevant information and links to trainings and other resources you may find useful in representing your pro bono client. Please do not hesitate to reach out to _____@NYSBA.org with questions about the process. Due to the high volume of interest, please allow reasonable time for any inquiries not related to an active matter already assigned through the LAP as we will prioritize active volunteer pairings.

Auto-receipt confirmation email text to send upon submission:

Thank you for volunteering to support small businesses affected by Covid-19.

We have received your information and will look to pair you with a small business in need of pro bono counsel and representation. Due to the high but ever changing volume of both need and volunteer support, you may not hear from us with a matched client immediately. When you are matched, we will reach out to this email address notifying you of your match. Upon confirmation of your continuing availability, we will send a client file and instructions regarding next steps as well as links to resources and trainings to support your volunteer engagement.

Thank you again for offering your time!

Let us know if your availability to volunteer has an end date!

For more details visit: https://nysba.org/covidvolunteer, or email probono@nysba.org with questions.