BPT3 Logo

As we onboard you as a new supplier, we would like to collect the necessary contacts that our sales strategists and employees will need to engage with your company.

The below are a few examples of what we are looking for:

1. Channel Sales Team Members

o   Channel Managers, Directors, VPs, Channel Chief

o   Engineers that support BPT (if any) and the Head of Sales Engineering

o   Any channel support people our strategists might work with

2. Marketing contacts that work with BPT

3. Main Commission contact and general email if one exists

4. Customer Support/Care contact number/email - please attach Escalation contact list if available for Provisioning, Billing and Trouble related issues. You can upload the list before submitting this form.

To add a new contact record, select "Add a new contact". 


Please let us know if you have any questions.


Please list the states this channel contact supports. If the contact supports all of BPT or all states, please enter "Supports all BPT" in the text box below.

For example: "A URL is used for commissions or support inquiries" or "you want to make a special note about a contact"