State of Utah Governor's Office of Economic Development

Cargo Flow and Logistics Needs

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Are you spending too much on your logistics? Are supply chain bottlenecks affecting your bottom line? 

The Utah Inland Port Authority (UIPA) was established with the mission to work with businesses on building a more cost effective, efficient, flexible logistics system, increasing utilization and expanding access for commerce throughout Utah, and across the country. 

A critical component of the UIPA mission is to understand existing cargo flows and to work with businesses to identify investment opportunities and expand shipping access, both domestically and internationally.  To help guide UIPA’s work, please provide detailed information for the following questions about your company’s existing and future cargo flows. 



Primary Contact Information

Secondary Contact (Optional)

Complete this section for each product/commodity you bring in to your facility.

Complete this section for each product/commodity you send out from your facility.

GRAMA Request for Business Confidentiality