Annual UNA Group Update Form  

This form is designed to allow UNA Groups to update UNA-UK with key contact details and  updates regarding the activity level of the group. The minimum requirements for UNA Groups are set out in the Basis of Recognition document, available on the UNA-UK website.

Each UNA Group is required to submit a completed UNA Group update form at least once annually. This update form is a necessary requirement for ongoing recognition by UNA-UK.

UNA Groups are encouraged to make additional submissions of this form throughout the year, if there have been changes to the group's registered points of contact. Information provided in this form helps ensure UNA-UK records are correct and staff can adequately support UNA groups with the work they do. 

UNA Group Points of Contact

Main Point of Contact

Each UNA group is required to ensure at least one person is willing to act as a point of contact for the group (POC). The main point of contact will have their name and email address shared publicly (including on the UNA-UK website and in newsletters) in order to best direct those individuals wishing to engage with the group and its activities. The main point of contact will also be added to the UNA-UK mailing list for UNA Groups, receiving updates and communications sent to all UNA Groups. 

Additional Points of Contact

In addition to the main point of contact, UNA Groups are encouraged to provide details of additional contact points for their group if they would find it useful. These additional contact points will be also be added to the UNA-UK mailing list for UNA Groups and, in addition to the main point of contact, and will receive updates and communications sent to all UNA Groups. Your group is not required to submit additional contact, but you may find it useful to have multiple people included in mailing communications from UNA-UK to ensure you are always kept updated. 

UNA Group Activities and AGM Details

UNA Groups are required to hold a minimum of two events or outreach activities (e.g. online email and petition campaigns) per year, one of which is an Annual General Meeting to establish position set out in the group's constitution. Please provide an update regarding the activities of your group and most recent AGM below. 

UNA Group Activities

Please enter below how many of each type of event or activity your UNA Group has held during the last 12 months. This information helps UNA-UK ensure we are offering support and resources most suitable to our UNA Group network by providing a better understanding of UNA Group activities.

Annual General Meeting

Many UNA Groups use the template constitution as a basis for their UNA Group constitution, but UNA Groups are free to develop their own constitutions as they find most appropriate (providing they still meeting the minimum requirements set out in the Basis of Recognition). Below is a space to provide an update on any committee positions your UNA Group has established during your most recent AGM - the email address of each position holder is not required, but it may be useful to help direct queries to their most appropriate person.

More about your UNA group

This final section is optional, but the information your UNA Group provides helps to inform UNA-UK engagement initiatives and ensure we are supporting our UNA Group network as best as possible.

Consider the people involved with your UNA group over the course of a year, either regularly or from time to time (but more than one-off attendance at an event):