Library After Hours access

The library is trialing after hours access for students.  Access is available - 
  • 7am-8:30am Weekdays
  • 4:30pm-11pm Weekdays
  • 9am-11pm Saturdays
  • 1pm-11pm Sundays
 If you wish to apply for access, please read and agree to the guidelines below. Once approved, your swipe card access will be updated. Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in access being removed.

Guidelines for accessing the Library after hours

  • Enter 1 King St via the college green door. Your card cannot access any of the other 1 King St entry doors after hours. Use your swipe card to enter this door and the Library door. Make sure nobody comes in behind you. 
  • Each student MUST swipe individually. This is essential.
  • If you are in the library at the normal library closing time of 4:30pm, you must leave the library and then swipe back in if you want to continue to work in the library.
  • You must leave the Library before 11pm, and if you’re the last person to leave, switch off the lights (the button is on the wall behind the service desk).
  • Beverages with lids and cold food may be consumed in the Library. No hot/smelly food. If you spill something on the floor or the furniture, clean it up straight away.
  • If you spill something on the pages of a book, don’t attempt to clean it as you may damage the book. Leave it at the Service Desk with a note and a Library staff member will attend to it the next morning.
  • If there is an emergency, follow the emergency instructions listed on the wall near the Ground Floor exit.
  • You are responsible for your personal property, and any library books/equipment that you use. Please comply with Library regulations and be mindful of others.
  • Library issues can be reported to for Library staff to attend to the next day. IT issues can be reported to for IT staff to attend to the next day.
Emergency Instructions:
  • If the building’s automated alarm commands “Emergency evacuate now” you must do so. The fire brigade will attend.
  • Please call Peter Orr to advise the alarm has been activated.
  • The doors to the streets will open automatically - it will be helpful if some one would stand close to the doorways on the outside to tell other people not to enter until the fire brigade leaves.
  • Do not put yourself in danger.
  • If there is a medical or security issue, call 000.
  • If there is some other issue that cannot wait until the morning (eg the doors to the street won’t close, or there is a major water leak) please contact Peter Orr on 0411 824 561.
  • For issues that can wait, please leave a note at the library desk with the information. 

Moore Theological College ABN: 47764652183
1 King Street, Newtown NSW Australia 2042 CRICOS Provider Code 00682B
Phone: +61 2 9577 9999 Email:
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