Professional Beauty Awards 2021 - Judges Registration

Professional Beauty

Please note: 

1) Due to the confidential nature of the information provided by each entrant, please make sure you provide a SECURE email address that is not accessed by your colleagues or anyone else

2) The email address you provide above is the only email we will use so please make sure it is one you check regularly.

Professional Beauty
Professional Beauty

On the following page please tick all the categories that you would like (and feel qualified) to judge. You can select as many or as few categories as you like.

Please note: you may not be asked to judge all the categories you tick.

You will be asked to set aside time to shortlist entrants for each category and ultimately participate in a deliberation day for that category (excluding Team of the Year which has no deliberation day).

Online shortlisting Process (8th June - 22nd June - done remotely from home)

The online shortlisting process is where you score each entrant over a series of pre-determined questions. Those entrants with the highest total scores from all of the judges are put through as finalists.

This process is completed electronically and you would need to allow at least one day for each category to do this but the total amount of time may vary depending on the volume of entries we receive. You should be aware that every judge works at different speeds and in different ways and it may therefore take you less or more time depending on the way you approach the process.

The shortlist is expected to be announced towards the end of June 2021.

Second-Round Judging: (17th August - 8th September - 

done remotely from home excluding Therapist category)

This is one of the most important stages of the final judging process and is done via:

a) Official videos

For Spa and Salon of the Year finalists will be asked to provide a 4 minute video of their property according to a list of criteria. You will be provided with a score sheet for you to judge the videos, along with access to the judging portal so that you can see the entry and the previous scores you submitted. The judging for this will take place from 17th August - 31st August and we ask that if you have any questions that need to be answered by the finalist in order to scare their video that you ask these during the next stage, the official interview.

and or b)Practical/Official Interview Days

For Therapist of the Year finalists will be asked to demonstrate their ‘hands on’ skills in front of a panel of judges, followed by a short interview during a live judging day in London on 3rd September, 2021.

For the Spa/Salon Leader of the Year and Employer of the Year categories, finalists will be required to attend a video interview with judges. The Spa/Salon Leader interview day will be 1st September, 2021. The Employer interview day will be 2nd September, 2021.

For the Spa and Salon of the Year categories, finalists will be required to attend a video interview with judges. The Spa of the year interview day will be 7th September, 2021. The Salon interview day will be 8th September, 2021.

As a judge for any of these categories you will be asked to attend either the live day (Therapist category) or the online interviews (all other categories). 


The information submitted by the entrants is provided on the basis that it will remain completely confidential. You should understand that you are not allowed to discuss the content with any third party including other judges prior to or after the interviews or practical judging days.

Furthermore the content can not be used in anyway within your own business or be passed to third parties who may or may not have a competitive interest. 

You will also be asked to agree that no contact will be made with entrants to discuss the awards either prior to or after the awards ceremony. If an entrant asks you directly for feedback you should ask them to contact the Professional Beauty Awards team.

Failure to adhere to any of these conditions will result in you being asked to step down as a judge from the Professional Beauty Awards.

Professional Beauty
Professional Beauty

Please tick the boxes next to the categories you would like to judge. Remember you may not be asked to judge all those you tick and you will not be able to judge a category in which you have entered of have a vested interest.


Professional Beauty
Professional Beauty

We are looking for new Judges...

If you would like to nominate anyone in the industry that you feel would make an excellent judge you can do so here. 

You can nominate as many people as you like by clicking 'Click to nominate another person' at the bottom of the page.

Please note: Once we receive your nomination it does not necessarily mean we will invite them to judge. Please provide as much information as possible so we can review each nomination appropriately.

Your Nomination

Professional Beauty
Professional Beauty

Who should we encourage to enter?

We would like you to nominate properties that you feel should enter the Professional Beauty Awards

The more information you can provide the better, but its not essential. Over the next month we will call each of them tell them they have been nominated and encourage them to enter.

You can nominate as many properties as you like by simply hitting the 'Click to nominate another' at the bottom of the page.

Please note: you can email a list in excel format to - Please provide as much of the information requested below on the list. 

Who should we encourage to enter?

Please tell us as much of the address as you can including city & country.

Professional Beauty
Professional Beauty


I agree that once the shortlist is announced, if I have a connection to any of the finalists or a vested interest in who wins I will declare it and step down from judging that particular category.

Furthermore, I understand that all the information submitted by the entrants is provided on the basis that it will remain completely confidential. I understand that I am not allowed to discuss the content with any third party including other judges prior to or after the interviews or practical judging days.

I understand that the content of an entry can not be used in anyway within my own business or be passed on to any third party whatsoever. 

I also understand that no contact can be made with entrants to discuss the awards either prior to or after the awards ceremony.

I have read and understood the confidentiality agreement that is listed below.


1.1  This Agreement confirms the basis upon which Trades Exhibitions Limited will appoint you to the Judging Panel of the Professional Beauty Awards 2021 and will make available to you certain Confidential Information (as defined below) relating to the entrants and entries in the Professional Beauty Awards.

1.2  In this Agreement, Confidential Information means all business, strategic, financial, technical, editorial, marketing or operational information of whatever kind (whether oral, written, or in any other form) relating to the Awards and to the entrants or their entries together with any information derived from such information and analyses, compilations, studies and other material which contain or otherwise reflect or are generated from such information. It also includes details of events and discussions (including the personal opinions of any Judge) that take place during the deliberations of the Judges at any meeting relating to the Awards.

1.3  Confidential Information shall exclude any information which:-

(a) is or subsequently becomes generally available to the public other than as a result of disclosure or other act or omission by you;

(b) becomes available to you from a person, other than Trades Exhibitions Limited, who is not under any duty of confidentiality in respect thereof;

(c) is known to or is developed by you independently;

(d) is disclosed by you in response to a court order as otherwise may be required by law.

2. In consideration of Trades Exhibitions Limited making available to you the Confidential Information you undertake as follows:

2.1  To keep the Confidential Information in strict confidence and not, without our prior express written consent, disclose any of the Confidential Information to any other person or use it for any purpose other than the judging of the entries to the Awards.

2.2  You will upon our written request promptly deliver or procure the delivery to us or at our option destroy, all written Confidential Information provided by us and will not retain any copies, extracts or other reproductions, in whole or in part, of such written material.

2.3  You will make no announcement or disclosure regarding the Awards, the entrants or their entries before or after the announcement of any Awards without the prior written consent of Trades Exhibitions Limited.

3. This Agreement will be interpreted in accordance with the laws of England & Wales. 

You have finished. All that's left now is to hit the Submit button below:

Once you have pressed the 'Submit' button you will get a chance to review and print the information you have completed and edit it if required before the final submission of the form is complete. 

You will need to confirm the submission once you have reviewed it at the bottom of the page before it is sent. Failure to do this will mean your registration WILL NOT be sent.

You will receive an on screen message to say the registration has been sent. If you do not see this then you have not sent your registration. Please read and follow the on screen instructions fully.

A copy of the information will also be sent to the email you have provided so please make sure the email details have been entered accurately. 

PRESS REVIEW to review your entry now and then PRESS CONFIRM on the next page.

Should you have any queries, please contact Lizzi Diggins on or +44 203 841 7365.

Professional Beauty