Our tradition teaches us that we are all responsible for each other and that protecting life is a value of paramount importance. Since the beginning of the pandemic we have upheld these values by maintaining distance, when appropriate, wearing masks at all times when in the building (other than for a brief period while eating or drinking, when permitted) and following other protocols to keep ourselves and others safe from the COVID-19 virus.
While COVID continues to be prevalent in our greater community, we require that all who are eligible be vaccinated. We acknowledge that those who are ages 5-11 only recently became eligible, and understand that this cannot yet be a requirement. We also strongly encourage everyone to get their boosters. Check out the recent Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR) resolution in support of COVID vaccine mandates. In order to come together safely, and to protect those who are not yet vaccinated, those who are vaccinated but the efficacy is waning and/or those who may not be able to get vaccinated, we all need to take responsibility for adhering to the following protocols: Before coming to Beth Emet for any event, we ask that you acknowledge the following Covenant of Mutual Responsibility. By submitting this form, I agree to follow the prevailing safety protocols when I am at Beth Emet. As of today, these include:
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