Near Miss & Crash Reporter                                  Logo

Report your incident

Use Bicycle Network’s crash reporter to report the details about your incident including when, where and how it happened, if you were injured and other information.

Even if you didn’t crash but had a near miss it is still good to report it so we can work on the things that are causing problems for people who ride.

Reporting your crash will help us discover the most common causes of incidents so that we can work to get them fixed.

If you are a Bicycle Network member and need to make a claim, please call 1800 639 634 to book an appointment with our Riders’ Rights team.

Bicycle Network
Ph 03 8376 8888

Protecting your privacy
We collect, use, disclose and otherwise handle your personal information in accordance with the terms of our Privacy Policy Statement. All information remains the property of Bicycle Network.

We do not collect personally identifiable information about you except where you specifically provide this information on a voluntary basis. We will make every effort to ensure that whatever information you provide will be maintained in a secure environment.

Tell us about your incident

What was the approximate time of the incident?

About the location

Yes No Not Sure

About the conditions

Select all that apply.

What happened?

About the incident

Injury details

E.g. you required medical treatment OR missed days from work or study, etc.

Property damage

Tell us about yourself

Thank you for completing our Near Miss and Crash Reporter survey.

If you're a Bicycle Network member and want to talk to our Riders' Rights team about your incident and what support we can offer you, or you'd like to talk to someone about your incident – please send us an email or call us on 1800 639 634.

Protecting your privacy

We collect, use, disclose and otherwise handle your personal information in accordance with the terms of our Privacy Policy Statement. All information remains the property of Bicycle Network.

We do not collect personally identifiable information about you except where you specifically provide this information on a voluntary basis. We will make every effort to ensure that whatever information you provide will be maintained in a secure environment.