End Of MOU Period Survey
--Results from this form will be kept confidential--
First Name
Last Name
Student Email
Current GPA
1.) Choose the statement that best describes how much of your
internship experience
your major
during this MOU period:
of my internship experience during this MOU period related to my major.
At least half
of my internship experience during this MOU period related to my major.
of my internship experience during this MOU period related to my major.
of my internship experience during this MOU period related to my major.
2.) Choose the statement that best describes the
nature of the work
provided by your internship during this MOU period:
My internship provided steady and engaging work during
the majority
of this MOU period.
My internship provided steady and engaging work during
at least half
of this MOU period.
My internship provided steady and engaging work
for some
of this MOU period.
My internship
did not
provide steady and engaging work
for any
of this MOU period.
3.) Choose the statement that best describes your
learning experience
provided by your internship during this MOU period:
My internship provided a meaningful learning experience during
the majority
of this MOU period.
My internship provided a meaningful learning experience during
at least half
of this MOU period.
My internship provided a meaningful learning experience
for some
of this MOU period.
My internship
did not
provide a meaningful learning experience
for any
of this MOU period.
4.) Choose the statement that best describes how the
VNC Professional Development
has helped you grow as a
of the VTEC Professional Development Program contributed to my growth as a professional.
At least half
of the VTEC Professional Development Program contributed to my growth as a professional.
of the VTEC Professional Development Program contributed to my growth as a professional.
The VTEC Professional Development program
did not
contribute to my growth as a professional.
5.) Choose the statement that best describes how
you are that you will find
post-graduation employment
graduating from school.
I am
confident that I will find employment before graduating from my academic institution.
I am
confident that I will find employment before graduating my academic institution.
I am
confident that I will find employment before graduating my academic institution.
I am
confident at all that I will find employment before graduating my academic institution.
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