SSN Publications and Media Contributions Update


  • Please update in this form recent key academic publications and media contributions that you consider to be relevant for strengthening democratic policy processes and which may be of interest to journalist, community leaders and policymakers.
  • In the form you can enter up to six publications and six media contributions.
  • Review our goals here.

* Required

Personal Info
These details cannot be edited.

Academic Publications
  • At the end of each section, click on "Add another publication" to enter another one.
  • You can enter up to six publications.
  • Entering a publication type is required. Please choose one of the following: Book; Edited Volume; Journal Article; Book Chapter; Working paper, Report, or Dissertation.
Publication Details

Please provide the title and one or two sentences that describe your findings in everyday language. (500 character limit)

Example: (255 character limit)

Please include the following information as relevant: publication title, co-author first and last names, publisher, date of publication, editors, pages numbers, chapter and book title, etc (600 character limit).
Media Contributions

Media Contribution URL