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Person Responsible

Where a consumer is at any stage unable to give directions or necessary consents to medical and other care, Montefiore may obtain such directions and consents from the ‘Person Responsible’ for the consumer. A Person Responsible is not necessarily the consumer’s next of kin.

A Person Responsible is either:
  • A guardian who has the function of consenting to medical, dental and health care treatments or, if there is no guardian
  • A spouse or de facto spouse with whom the person has a close, continuing relationship or, if there is no spouse or de facto spouse
  • An unpaid carer who is now providing support to the person or provided this support before the person entered residential care; or if there is no carer
  • A relative or friend who has a close personal relationship with the person
Person Responsible Information

e.g. 2174

e.g. (02) 9123 6535

e.g. 0412 345 678 or (02) 9123 6535

e.g. 0412 345 678

e.g. 2174

e.g. (02) 9123 6535

e.g. 0412 345 678 or (02) 9123 6535

e.g. 0412 345 678

In the event of emergency please contact

An emergency is a significant change in the consumer's medical condition

e.g. 2174

e.g. (02) 9123 6535

e.g. 0412 345 678 or (02) 9123 6535

e.g. 0412 345 678

Please enter 24 hr format

Please enter 24 hr format

e.g. (02) 9123 6535

e.g. (02) 9123 6535

e.g. 2174

Details of next of kin

This is the resident's closest living blood relative/s or relative/s by marriage/family.
NOK Child 1

e.g. 2174

e.g. (02) 9123 6535

e.g. 0412 345 678 or (02) 9123 6535

e.g. 0412 345 678

NOK Child 2

e.g. 2174

e.g. (02) 9123 6535

e.g. 0412 345 678 or (02) 9123 6535

e.g. 0412 345 678

NOK Child 3

e.g. 2174

e.g. (02) 9123 6535

e.g. 0412 345 678 or (02) 9123 6535

e.g. 0412 345 678

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