The Springboard Allowance can be used to cover or contribute toward the cost of activities and clothing including but not exclusive to:
Sports lessons (by qualified instructors).
Music lessons and other art related lessons (by qualified tutors).
Health & fitness related (e.g. gym/sports club memberships).
clothing and shoes towards an interview
Important information for young people with SEND: Scotty's
recognises that for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
(SEND) the Allowance may need to be used more flexibly. If you (or your
child if a parent or carer is helping with the application!) are unable to participate in traditional extra curricula activities there
may be other suitable uses for the Allowance. Some recent examples
include accessing Speech Language Therapy and purchasing equipment to allow a
child to communicate. If you are unsure if your idea qualifies please do
ask the families team.