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Refer to the Application Checklist to complete this form. Submit separate forms for temporary construction power and permanent power.
Project Information
Project Name

Project Type

Buy America Requirements/Federal Funding Restrictions?
Date Electrical Service Requested

Hours /Day Days/Week Months/Year Business Hours
Summer Operating Hours
Hours /Day Days/Week Months/Year Business Hours
Winter Operating Hours

Brief description of the project and electric load type below. Please include the supply details, such as "irrigation pump" or "temporary construction power for new affordable housing development."
Contact Information

Other: Role/Relationship to Project
Applicant Information
Company/Agency Name

Invoice For:

Owner/Developer Information (if different from Applicant)
Company/Agency Name

Invoice For:

Representative Information (if different from Applicant/Owner)
Company/Agency Name

Invoice For:

Electric Load Information
Complete one Load Summary for each Service Point. Add additional service points to Notes

Specify Other:
Single Phase Circuit

Quantity Load Each (kVA) 1Ï• Load Total (kVA) CALCULATIONS FOR INTERNAL USE: Reserve Capacity (kVA)
Electric Water Heating
Electric Heating
Commercial Cooking
Resistance Welders
Arc Welders (Largest Unit)
EV Charging Station
Other 1 (Describe)
Other 2 (Describe)
Total (kVA)
Single Phase Horsepower
(Note: hp will be converted to kVA at 0.746)
Quantity Load Each (hp) 1Ï• Load Total (kVA) CALCULATIONS FOR INTERNAL USE: Reserve Capacity (kVA)
Air Conditioning                  
Fire Pump
Other (Describe)
Total (hp)
Largest Motor: Motors 40 hp & above:
Rated hp
Locked-rotor current (amps)
Motor Use
Three Phase Circuit

Quantity Load Each (kVA) 3Ï• Load Total (kVA) CALCULATIONS FOR INTERNAL USE: Reserve Capacity (kVA)
Water Heating
Electric Heating
Commercial Cooking
Resistance Welders
Arc Welders (Largest Unit)
EV Charging Station
Other 1 (Describe)
Other 2 (Describe)
Total (kVA)
Three Phase Horsepower
(Note: hp will be converted to kVA at 0.746)
Quantity Load Each (hp) 3Ï• Load Total (kVA) CALCULATIONS FOR INTERNAL USE: Reserve Capacity (kVA)
Air Conditioning
Fire Pump
Other (Describe)
Total (hp)
Largest Motor: Motors 40 hp & above:
Rated hp
Locked-rotor current (amps)
Motor Use
Ramp Up Schedule
When will the load reach the below percentages of total forecast?
Estimated Week from Service Energization:
25% of Electrical Load
50% of Electrical Load
75% of Electrical Load
100% of Electrical Load
Street/Sidewalk Improvement
Does the project include any street/sidewalk improvement along public streets?                                
If yes, contact slengineering@sfwater.org .
Customer Self Generation and Net Energy Metering
This Application form is for electric service only. The installation and interconnection of self-generation equipment, including photovoltaic systems, requires the submission of an interconnection application and SFPUC approval. Please contact hhpower@sfwater.org for more assistance.
Do you plan to install onsite self-generation equipment?                                                                      

A. Site Plan(s)

B. Building floor plans and exterior elevations

C. Electrical Drawings

D. Single Line Diagrams

E. Street Light and Traffic Signal Plans (if applicable)

F. Department of Building Inspection permit (if applicable)
G. Request for Unmetered Service (if applicable)
H. Proposed Joint Trench Agreement (if applicable)
Other Notes or Requests

The applicant hereby applies to the SFPUC for electric service. Applicant acknowledges that this Application is subject to the SFPUC's Rules and Regulations Governing Electric Service that can be found at https://sfwater.org/ElectricRules .

By clicking "Submit" below, I agree that the information contained in this Application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any changes made to the above information or attached documents may increase the time and costs required for SFPUC to provide electric service at the requested service address and that I will be responsible for any increased costs resulting from such changes.

I understand that service will be engineered and installed based in part upon the information provided here. The SFPUC will provide the Applicant with a service agreement estimating the Applicant’s cost responsibility. Subject to entering into a service agreement with the SFPUC, I agree to pay SFPUC for all work SFPUC performs and all costs SFPUC incurs to provide the service requested by this Application. SFPUC may cancel this project if I do not proceed with the project and it becomes inactive for 12 months. If the project is cancelled, by either party, I will pay SFPUC for all such work and costs incurred by SFPUC prior to the cancellation.

Hidden Fields for Record Transfer to Salesforce (INTERNAL USE)
This is the default information for the required fields in Salesforce.

Summer Demand
Residential Light Commercial Commercial Industrial
1:00 AM
2:00 AM
3:00 AM
4:00 AM
5:00 AM
6:00 AM
7:00 AM
8:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
2:00 PM
3:00 PM
4:00 PM
5:00 PM
6:00 PM
7:00 PM
8:00 PM
9:00 PM
10:00 PM
11:00 PM
12:00 AM
Winter Demand
Residential Light Commercial Commercial Industrial
1:00 AM
2:00 AM
3:00 AM
4:00 AM
5:00 AM
6:00 AM
7:00 AM
8:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
2:00 PM
3:00 PM
4:00 PM
5:00 PM
6:00 PM
7:00 PM
8:00 PM
9:00 PM
10:00 PM
11:00 PM
12:00 AM