PLEASE NOTE - We are now assessing for classes beginning in April 2025.
About Move Smart MS
Thank you for your interest in Move Smart MS Programmes. These programmes are made possible by funding from Re-think Ireland, the Social Innovation fund. They are available nationally to all people with MS. You do not need to be a member of MS Ireland to participate.
How does Move Smart MS differ from the MS Ireland regional programmes?
MS Ireland provides general health-promoting exercise programmes, based on geographical area. Move Smart MS programmes are grouped by age, ability, symptoms and activities. They are not grouped by geographical area. This allows us to deliver more specialised and tailored programmes.
How is my information managed?
This form will help us learn about you and what you would like to gain from a programme. Your information is input directly into MS Ireland's SalesForce systems and is only available to the physiotherapy team that delivers Move Smart MS. You can decide against integrating your information with MS Irelands membership database if you wish.
However, to avoid unnecessary duplication within our database, your name, email and date of birth only will be visible to all MSIreland staff. If you are already a member of MS Ireland, your regional office will be able to see that you are taking part in Move Smart MS. They will not be able to see the information you enter.
To help us find the programme that best matches your needs, please provide enter the following details