Grant Change Request

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Use this form to request a no cost extension for a grant that has been awarded by the Charity. Applicants must read the following before completing this form:

Authorisation: Grant holders are required to formally notify the Charity of any changes or changes in circumstances that will affect the tenure of an existing grant. Changes to grants must be supported and authorised by the relevant designated fund fund advisor prior to submission.

FT Approval: Grant holders are required to obtain approval from KCH NHS Foundation Trust and ensure any approvals have been obtained as per the original application.

No Cost Extensions (NCE): Should a grant be delayed or the budget not be spent at the end of the grant period, Applicants may be able to apply for a no-cost-extension of up to 12 months. Please ensure that the application is clearly indicates the justification for the extension and impact it will have on the grant.

Change in budget: The budget cannot be changed without prior approval from the Charity. Please ensure that the application clearly indicates the amount and justification. The value of the grant is stipulated in the grant letter. The Charity will not increase the value of the grant at a later stage unless there is an application for further funding.

COVID-19: The Charity will provide no-cost extensions for any grant holder whose grant is delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As the situation continues to evolve and understanding is gained on the impact of the pandemic, the duration of no-cost extensions will be considered.

Submission: All questions with a red Asterisk * are mandatory. You will be asked to review your application prior to submission.

Help and Support: Please contact with any questions.

Please note: the Charity may need to go back to the funder(s) of a project to gain approval to changes in grants.

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Grant Details

Fund Details
Please enter details of the designated fund below. If you're not sure of the name or number of your designated fund, please check your grant agreement letter.

Details of Change

Description & Justification for Change Request


IMPORTANT: In the next screen you will be able to save a PDF copy of your application by clicking Print this page and from the Destination drop down select Save as PDF.