Requester Contact Information
First Name
Last Name
Provider Information
Company Name
Provider Website URL
Are you in the Provider growth Program
Please select...
Product Type Request
Please select...
Create new product-fill out all sections
Update a current product- only fill in sections that need updating
Add/ Remove/ Replace resources in existing profiles
New Product Content Information
Product Name (Provider Name + Product Type)
Provider/App Profile Logo (
minimum 512 x 512 pixels
5-Word Description( 5-words that draws a customer to the product)
Splash Title (
5-10 words summarizing product)
Splash Description (200+
words describing product)
Overview Image #1 (min 1100x660 pixels- should show product)
Overview Image #2 (min 1100x660 pixels- should show product)
Overview Image #3 (min 1100x660 pixels- should show product)
Demo URL (YouTube or Vimeo links only)
Resource URL (YouTube or Vimeo links only)
G2 UUID (If known)
Company Privacy Policy URL
Company terms & conditions url
Update Product Content Information
Product Name (Provider Name + Product Type)
Provider/App Profile Logo (
minimum 512 x 512 pixels
5-Word Description( 5-words that draws a customer to the product)
Splash Title (
5-10 words summarizing product)
Splash Description (200+
words describing product)
Overview Image #1 (min 1100x660 pixels- should show product)
Overview Image #2 (min 1100x660 pixels- should show product)
Overview Image #3 (min 1100x660 pixels- should show product)
Demo URL (YouTube or Vimeo links only)
Resource URL (YouTube or Vimeo links only)
G2 UUID (If known)
Company privacy policy url
Company terms & conditions url
New Product Content Information-Features
Feature 1 Title (5-10 words highlighting a top feature of the product)
Feature 1 Description (1-2 sentences explaining the top feature)
Feature 2 Title (5-10 words highlighting a top feature of the product)
Feature 2 Description (1-2 sentences explaining the top feature)
Feature 3 Title (5-10 words highlighting a top feature of the product)
Feature 3 Description (1-2 sentences explaining the top feature)
Feature 4 Title (5-10 words highlighting a top feature of the product)
Feature 4 Description (1-2 sentences explaining the top feature)
Feature Tab
Feature Heading
Feature Description
Feature Image
Update Product Content Information-Features
Feature 1 Title (5-10 words highlighting a top feature of the product)
Feature 1 Description (1-2 sentences explaining the top feature)
Feature 2 Title (5-10 words highlighting a top feature of the product)
Feature 2 Description (1-2 sentences explaining the top feature)
Feature 3 Title (5-10 words highlighting a top feature of the product)
Feature 3 Description (1-2 sentences explaining the top feature)
Feature 4 Title (5-10 words highlighting a top feature of the product)
Feature 4 Description (1-2 sentences explaining the top feature)
Feature Tab Updates
Feature Heading
Feature Description
Feature Image
New Pricing Information
Attach Pricing Plan (if applicable)
Update Pricing Information
Attach Pricing Plan (if applicable)
Add Resources to existing Profiles
NOTE: Max. 15 resources can be added to a profile.
Profile Name
Who can see this resource?
All End users (Including Advisors)
ONLY Advisors
Add File
Add any pdf or image file
Add Video
Provide YouTube or Vimeo URL
Remove Resource/ Video
Name of Resource/ Video to be removed
Replace Resource
Name of Resource to be replaced
Upload New Resource
Replace Video
Name of Video to be replaced
Link to New Video
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If you need assistance filling out this form please reach out to
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Contact Information