Fill out the form below and a member of our team will be in touch shortly.
Onboarding Contact Details
Onboarding Contact First Name
Onboarding Contact Last Name
Onboarding Contact Email
Onboarding Contact Phone
Onboarding Account Details
Vendor Name
Vendor Address
Costco BBA Vendor Number
BBA Vendor Suffix (for multiple suffixes separate with a comma)
Costco Buyer Contact Name
Costco Department Number and Name (Ex: Department 12, Candy)
Number of Items (SKUs)
Selling Channel (
Select All that Apply)
Please select...
US Ecom (
US Business Delivery
Canada Ecom (
Canada Business Delivery
use Shift & Ctrl key to select multiple
Onboarding Details
Would you like anyone else to be onboarded from your company as well? If yes, please provide their first and last name along with their email address:
Please provide any specifics your onboarding specialist should know about for this process:
Do you already store your nutrition/drug fact/supplement data in Syndigo?
Please select...
Is your data stored in a format where it can be uploaded into Syndigo in a spreadsheet?
Please select...
Vendor Contact Name (that received email with form link)
Vendor Contact Email
(that received email with form link)