Program Information

Please choose which program you are applying for:
  1. CHT Homeownership Program - Purchase an affordable home in Orange County, NC
  2. Town of Chapel Hill Employee Assistance - The TOCH offers financial assistance to qualifying employees who are looking to rent or purchase a home.  Employees looking to purchase a CHT home should choose this option.
  3. CHT Rental - Applicants interested in living at The Landings at Winmore should contact Lois Johnson at  Do NOT apply here.  CHT has a very  limited supply of other rental properties.  

Primary Applicant Contact Information

Primary Applicant Information

This information is requested by the Federal Government for certain types of housing loan applications, in order to monitor compliance with equal credit opportunity, fair housing and home mortgage disclosure laws. You are not required to furnish this information, but are encouraged to do so. It will not affect your eligibility to participate in any of our programs.

Co-Applicant Contact Information

Co-Applicant Information

Household Information

Household Information (continued)

Dependent 1

Dependent 2

Dependent 3

Dependent 4

Please contact us directly to add additional dependents.


Co-Applicant Income

Asset #1

If you need to add additional assets, please send the statements directly to CHT.


If you need to add addition debt, please add the balance and monthly payment to another account with the same type.  For example, add all credit cards together or all student loans.

Working with Real Estate Agents

Community Home Trust is a licensed real estate firm.   Please note, CHT does not represent the buyer or the seller in our sales transactions.  Our realtors use their experience and expertise to help you throughout the process, however, we do not provide any legal representation.   You must complete the attached Working With Real Estate Agents Disclosure to proceed with your application.
Please click HERE to sign the Working With Real Estate Agents Disclosure.
Required Documentation
In order to process your application, we need a copy of your most recent 3 months of bank statements and 3 months of paystubs. We cannot review your application until this information is received. You can upload it here or email it to OR bring it by our office.   If the office is closed, please drop all documents in the mail slot in the door.

Additional documentation may be required to verify your information.   
