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Hot Bread Kitchen Consent and Release Form

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Hot Bread Kitchen, a non-profit organization, uses the likeness, picture, video, voice,  statements and/or testimonials (in any form), signature, biographical material, and all other  elements of the persona (collectively, the “Materials”) of its trainees, incubator members,  and staff to raise money and awareness for its programs and to sell bread, which, in turn,  supports program. We use the Materials in many ways including: 

  • Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.); 
  • Press Media (Newspaper, Magazines, Cook Books, etc.); 
  • Internal & External Fundraising (Grants, Crowdfunding, Cultivation Events, etc.);
  • Videos available on YouTube, Vimeo, and other platforms; and 
  • Signage in our stores and Greenmarkets. 

No one associated with Hot Bread Kitchen is required to give permission for the use of the  Materials for the above-listed purposes. It is not required for your training, membership, or  your job. This form is to clarify what you are comfortable with. You can change your  preferences at any time, which will operate on a prospective basis.

2. Representations and Warranties: The undersigned represents and warrants that the  undersigned is free to enter into, to make the grants made under, and to perform the terms  set forth in this instrument. The undersigned further represents and warrants that the  undersigned has the ability to grant or license the rights contemplated herein, and that they  are free of any claims by any third party and will not violate or infringe upon the rights of  any person or entity. 

3. Compensation: The undersigned acknowledges that the undersigned will receive no  compensation from Hot Bread Kitchen other than any goodwill and publicity that the  undersigned may receive relating to the publication, distribution, display, or other  dissemination of the Materials as set forth in this instrument, which the undersigned  acknowledges is sufficient consideration therefor.  

4. Intellectual Property Ownership: The undersigned acknowledges that Hot Bread  Kitchen is the sole and exclusive owner of all right, title, and interest in all copyrights,  trademark rights, and any other and all other intellectual property rights, worldwide, in the  Materials and the individual components thereof, and the undersigned shall take no action  to challenge or object to the validity of such rights or Hot Bread Kitchen’s ownership or  registration thereof.

5. Release: The undersigned forever releases, acquits and discharges Hot Bread  Kitchen from and against any and all claims, liabilities, actions, proceedings, damages,  losses, injuries, costs and expenses, arising out of any use of the name, likeness, picture,  video, voice, statements and/or testimonials (in any form), signature, biographical material,  and all other elements of the persona of the undersigned or third party for defamation;  violation of any right of privacy or publicity; trademark and service mark infringement;  false association or endorsement; unfair competition; any species of advertising injury;  copyright infringement; violation of any moral or artists’ rights; and negligence. 

6. Severability: The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this instrument  under applicable law shall not affect or impair any other provision, which shall continue  and remain in full force and effect. In the event any provision of this instrument is invalid  or unenforceable under applicable law, the parties shall use their respective best  endeavors to negotiate and agree on a substitute provision which is valid and enforceable  and achieves to the greatest extent possible the economic, legal and commercial objectives  of such illegal, void, invalid, prohibited or unenforceable term, condition, stipulation,  provision, covenant or undertaking.  

7. Entire Agreement: This instrument shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of  the undersigned and Hot Bread Kitchen, together with its successors, heirs, personal  representatives and assigns. This instrument constitutes the entire agreement between the  parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings related to the subject  matter hereof. This instrument may be modified only by a written agreement signed by the  party against whom enforcement is sought. This instrument shall be governed by and  construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York applicable to agreements  made and to be performed in New York.  

Samples of Content Use:

instagram post: member cutting vegetables

press: new new yorkers member giving NBC interview

2024 benefit: member speaker maria

youtube: member skylah speaks about her experience