BUS (Life Skills) Enrollment Form
During a tutoring session, fill out this form to enroll in BUS.
Tutors: If needed, read the questions and answer options out loud to your student. Do not share your personal opinion or ideas with them. However, you may define vocabulary or translate into your student's home language.
Parents and guardians: Do not fill out this form. Instead, ask your tutor to complete the form during their next tutoring session.
Match ID (Tutor & Student):
Tutor: Use the Match ID provided to you in your First Session email or refer to your volunteer portal
When faced with a challenging task, how hard do you work to complete it?
Not hard at all
Slightly hard
Somewhat hard
Quite hard
Extremely hard
Your intelligence is something about you that you can't change very much
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
I want to learn about:
How to get a job
How to get into college
How to get into trade school
How to manage money
How to excel in high school
How confident am I in my ability to:
Choose a job:
Not confident
A little confident
Very confident
Apply for a job:
Not confident
A little confident
Very confident
Create a resume:
Not confident
A little confident
Very confident
Interview for a job:
Not confident
A little confident
Very confident
Make an impression:
Not confident
A little confident
Very confident
How confident am I in my ability to:
Choose a major:
Not confident
A little confident
Very confident
Choose a college:
Not confident
A little confident
Very confident
Apply for college:
Not confident
A little confident
Very confident
Write a college essay:
Not confident
A little confident
Very confident
Apply for financial aid:
Not confident
A little confident
Very confident
How confident am I in my ability to:
Choose a trade skill:
Not confident
A little confident
Very confident
Choose a trade career:
Not confident
A little confident
Very confident
Choose a trade school:
Not confident
A little confident
Very confident
Apply to trade school:
Not confident
A little confident
Very confident
Apply for financial aid:
Not confident
A little confident
Very confident
How confident am I in my ability to:
Create a budget:
Not confident
A little confident
Very confident
Evaluate spending:
Not confident
A little confident
Very confident
Maximize savings:
Not confident
A little confident
Very confident
Invest and build wealth:
Not confident
A little confident
Very confident
Increase credit:
Not confident
A little confident
Very confident
How confident am I in my ability to:
Have a growth mindset:
Not confident
A little confident
Very confident
Create a S.M.A.R.T. goal:
Not confident
A little confident
Very confident
Use time blocking:
Not confident
A little confident
Very confident
Self advocate:
Not confident
A little confident
Very confident
Understand high school graduation requirements or equivalency options:
Not confident
A little confident
Very confident
What is your plan post high school?
Full-time job
Trade school
Full-time college
Part-time college
I plan to work now and attend school later
What is the biggest factor in that decision? Check all that apply
I need to support myself.
I need to support my family.
I cannot afford college, trade school, or university.
I need to work to have an income.
I don’t like school.
College/university education is not needed for my job.
I have low grades/scores.
It is important for me to join the military.
I don’t feel academically prepared.
What career field are you interested in?
Health Sciences (nurse, doctor, surgeon)
Human Services (government, law enforcement, family & community services, teacher)
Arts and Communication (performing arts, journalism, audio & visual tech, video game industry)
Business Management and Technology (finance, marketing, business administration, hospitality)
Natural Resources Agriculture (environmental science, natural resources, plant systems)
Industrial and Engineering Technology (construction, STEM, quality assurance)
Which of the following interest you? Check all that apply
Financial Literacy
College support: Scholarships
College support: Applications
College support: FAFSA
Career: Meeting one on one with someone in my field of interest.
Career: Internships
Career: Volunteering
Career: Armed Forces
Academic: Presentation and Public Speaking Skills
Academic: Research and Media Literacy