Northcrest 1st District: A Plan Is Taking Shape

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Welcome to Northcrest 1st District Feedback Form
Northcrest Developments is planning its first district in Downsview. Northcrest 1st District is located on north of Wilson Avenue on the east side of the GO rail corridor. It is part of the 370 acres owned by Northcrest that make up the Downsview Airport Lands.

Northcrest is seeking community feedback on the emerging plan for the 1st District. The emerging plan is informed by months of community engagement conducted by Northcrest and through the id8Downsview process. Help Northcrest ensure that the 1st District reflects community priorities – take the survey!

The survey is organized by the 1st District themes: Jobs & Opportunities, Homes & Amenities, Walkable & Connected, Vibrant Public Place & Culture, and Sustainable & Healthy. 

This survey will be open until April 14, 2022.  Responses to this survey are anonymous and will be reported in the Round 2 Engagement Summary. The Round 2 Engagement Summary will be publicly available on  

If you have any questions, get in touch with Ian Hanecak, Manager, Community & Stakeholder Relations, Northcrest Developments at or 647-821-6916.

Northcrest 1st District will be a vibrant and thriving hub for employment and innovation that preserves and builds on Downsview’s legacy. The 1st District will offer a mix of homes, shops and amenities, thousands of new jobs, and six acres of parks and open space, all anchored by a state-of-the-art film studio campus to the north.  The 1st District will respond to calls to bring jobs to Downsview and to create economic opportunities for local and equity-deserving people.
District at-a-glance:
  • 102 acres of land comprised of a 46-acre Future Film Studio Campus and 56 acres representing a mix of commercial, residential, parkland and office uses. 
  • 6 acres of new parks and open space.
  • An animated park bridge connecting the district to Downsview Park over the GO rail corridor.
Map of Northcrest 1st District
Please proceed to the next page for more information on district themes and prompts. 

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Rendering Northcrest 1st District
Northcrest 1st District responds to calls to bring jobs to Downsview and to create employment and economic opportunities for local and equity-seeking people in place of Bombardier’s planned departure:
  • Anticipated 7000 direct jobs will be generated.
  • Targeting industries of the future, such as creative industries, high-tech, and life science.
  • Adapt re-use of the existing Hangar buildings to host a mix uses, including start-ups, incubators, pop-ups, office space, maker-space and more.
  • Exploring a workforce development program that will provide skills training and job placement for local, Indigenous and equity-deserving people.
  • Exploring local and social procurement opportunities.

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Rendering Northcrest 1st District
Northcrest 1st District will introduce new residential and mixed-use neighbourhoods as well as a host of new amenities and community infrastructure and services. 
  • 3000 new housing units.
  • Nearly half the units will be 2 or more-bedrooms in predominantly mid-rise buildings and will include a mix of ownership and rental tenures and affordable options. 
  • Low-rise buildings, up to 4 storeys, will be constructed along the southeast limit of the district providing a comfortable transition to the existing Ancaster neighbourhood.
  • Northcrest is exploring a range of mechanisms to exceed the City’s affordable housing requirements in this district.
  • A range of amenities and community infrastructure such as parks, retail stores, food & beverage options, and community facilities.

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Rendering Northcrest 1st District
Northcrest 1st District pedestrian-centred design:  
  • New roads, dedicated cycling routes and pedestrian paths.
  • A new park bridge connecting the district to Downsview Park over the GO rail corridor, animated with trees and public art.
  • Exploring a free shuttle service that will provide connections to nearby transit stations.

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Rendering Northcrest 1st District
Northcrest is looking to foster a place rich in arts and cultural programming that reflects diverse and local voices and honours Indigenous place-keeping. 
  • Celebrate the unique legacies, cultures and heritage of Downsview through displays of public art, cultural programming, pop-ups and more.
  • Working with Indigenous communities and rights-holders to explore Indigenous Place-keeping opportunities, including gathering spaces, naming opportunities and arts procurement.

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Rendering Northcrest 1st District
Northcrest 1st District will adopt innovative energy strategies to create a sustainable community. 
  • We envision a low-carbon community that features sustainably designed buildings, adaptive re-use of the existing buildings, blue-green infrastructure, such as bioswales, green roofs and innovative energy strategies. 
  • Access to green space, low-carbon energy solutions, active transportation, and walkability are prioritized, along with other areas such as access to amenities, community services and infrastructure, to employment, and equity, to collectively create a healthy place to live, work and gather.

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Tell us About Yourself
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