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Are you a veteran with a honorable discharge and a diagnosis of a mobility limiting disability, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), or Military Sexual Trauma (MST)? Please note, a copy of your DD 214 will be required to confirm separation from the military.
Are you able to afford the costs of caring for a service dog to include food, equipment, supplies and veterinary care for the lifetime of the service dog, an average of $50-$200/month?
Are you able to travel without your family and cope with the stresses of being in a new environment while participating in a classroom/group setting with up to 12 other students, for 10 days?
GDA|TLC uses only positive reinforcement training methods. A service dog’s training must be maintained by their recipient. If selected, are you willing to use only positive reinforcement training methods and actively participate in the dog’s ongoing training, annual assessments and health checks for the working life of the dog?
If you have a diagnosis of PTSD and are currently not receiving treatment for your PTSD, are you willing to begin and continue on-going treatment? While veteran service dogs are skilled animals that have been trained to perform assistive tasks to mitigate symptoms of PTSD, they are only one part of a comprehensive wellness program which includes on-going treatment. Our staff would be happy to assist you in seeking a qualified professional to begin treatment.
Do you plan on taking the service dog to work?
Please state your diagnosis and describe your symptoms. If you have PTSD, please list all triggers, reactions to triggers, recovery time & frequency.
Do you require a caregiver?
Please include all members of your household and include ages and relation.
If applicable, please provide information about your employment status (full or part time). Include occupation and employer.
How did you hear about us?
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