Terms and Conditions
1. The Bursary Panels decision is final.
2. The Bursary panel meet 4 times per year and decisions will be made then
3. Please ensure you submit your application at least 2 weeks prior to the dates listed on the website for your application to be considered at that meeting.
4. When submitting your application, please ensure you state the exact cost you require and justify your reasonings.
5. Successful applicants will be expected to report back to Reach immediately the grant has been spent, please supply a progress report and photos to celebrate and help promote the bursary to other members.
6. Grants will usually be paid by cheque, BACS, or a 3rd party via invoice. Proof of expenditure will be required.
7. It is unlikely that 100% of the amount request will be awarded, please ensure you can meet the remainder of the costs and explain how in section 4.
8. The grant should usually be spent within 6 months of receipt.
9. The grant is not transferrable and must be used for the purpose stated in the application.
10. Publicity is not a requirement of the grant but applicants who are happy for Reach to use them in publicity or undertake their own publicity mentioning Reach are very welcome.
11. The Bursary Panel may direct applications to other grant giving bodies if they are deemed to be more suitable.
12. Applications are only accepted from current members of Reach, with at least 1 year’s membership.
13. Thank you for applying, please send your completed form to the address below or email to reach@reach.org.uk
Contact Information