It is important that all participants submit the results of their cleanup efforts. The results help
determine the supplies we will be allotted for the following year,
provides valuable information to sponsors, funders, local and state
governments, and most importantly shows the incredible impact of these
programs and the grassroots efforts of the volunteers.
This form is for Non-Cleanup reporting ONLY. All cleanup data should be logged into the Texas Litter Database!
A few notes to help you with this form.
- Please
use whole numbers, in numeric format, where applicable. Text will not
be accepted in numeric fields; if you collected 2.5 tons, you will need
to multiply by 2,000 and enter the actual pounds collected.
- For results, you will be required to respond to every question; if a question does not apply to you, please enter a "0."
- You have the option to go back to this form to complete; please follow the prompts.
- When complete, please review and hit "submit."
Thank you again for completing this information, and for your commitment to a clean, beautiful Texas!