VAC Questionnaire to Members and Stakeholders

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We are in the process of developing a new strategy and we want to develop it with the input of our key stakeholders including our members and strategic partners. This will help us to set our priorities for the next three years and improve are offering to the Camden Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS). 

As a CVS or infrastructure support organisation, there are elements to what VAC sets out to do, and how, that are non-negotiable. However, after coming out of what has been an exceptional period, and facing a mercurial future, it is important that our strategic plan is informed by our key stakeholders. We would like to ask you to spend a few minutes completing this short survey to help us: 
  • Reflect on what we have achieved and failed to achieve during the last three years   
  • Improve our offer to the local VCS
  • Understand the impact of external factors on VAC and Camden’s VCS
  • Review how we communicate what we do and what we’ve achieved    
  • Set out our ambition and priorities for VAC and the sector for the next three years, and agree the values and actions needed to achieve them. 

The survey should take around 15 minutes to complete. All completed entries with contact information provided will be entered into our prize drawer for a chance to  win £50 shopping vouchers.

General Overview
What three words come to mind when you think of VAC and what we do? 

VAC  supports organisations and groups to build their capacity – this includes setting up, governance, help sourcing funding, staff, trustees and volunteers, skills development, networking, developing projects, as well as understanding change and relevant policy developments, and much more.

VAC provides opportunities for organisations to keep informed, connect with each other and share information and learning.  

One of VAC’s roles as the umbrella body for the sector is to make sure voluntary sector views are represented where it matters most. 

VAC Forums
During lockdown, VAC hosted a number of forums to bring different parts of the community together to coordinate the response efforts in Camden. These forums have continued as a means of bringing together the voices of local organisations and cross sector partners around the key issues facing the borough

And Finally.....
VAC is in the process of reviewing its membership offer to groups and organisations in Camden and will be surveying our members soon to understand how we can make this more beneficial.  

About You
The following questions are not compulsory and the survey can be answered anonymously if you wish. However, if you would like to be entered into our prize drawer to win £50 shopping vouchers, we will need your contact details. We would also like to interview a small number of recipients to gain some deeper insight of your experience and to help shape our priorities for the next three years.