A New Direction looking for creative learning sector leaders whose work is focused on children and young people to participate in our Space for Change peer learning group programme. Whether you're a freelance practitioner, leading a department, or running a company, this group is open to all those who have the influence to make change possible.
Space for Change will be an intimate space for personal reflection, developing your practice and overcoming challenges. We will curate a dynamic, forward-thinking, and solution-focused cohort, with a focus on building professional resilience, making, connections, and discovering renewed focus.
The Space for Change group will meet monthly from September 2022 to February 2023 and will address areas of priority for the creative learning sector, with space for reflection and discussion. There will also be self-led buddying-tasks for you to complete in your own time, designed to help you reflect on learning, embed changes, and improve your work.
If you are considering applying, please note it is important to attend every session in order to get the maximum benefit from the programme. Missing a session means taking the space from someone else who could have benefited from the programme, therefore we kindly ask that you think carefully before making the commitment to join.
Furthermore, we receive a high volume of applications to take part in the programme. To help us really understand you, please provide detailed answers to the questions on the Expression of Interest form below.
Deadline for submission is Monday 08 August at 9:00am.
We highly encourage people who identify as Black Asian Minority Ethnic to apply for Space for Change.
If you have questions about the Expression of Interest, please email joyce.voegler@anewdirection.org.uk.