Now for some final details on this research:
· In order to participate, you would need a laptop/desktop with a webcam and a strong internet connection.
· We know that surprises can happen, but as much as possible, you’ll be expected to be in a quiet space where you can participate from, and be free from any work / childcare duties for the duration of the session.
· The materials we share with you are confidential – we request that you do not discuss them with anyone else. We will ask you at the start of the interview to confirm that you are happy to accept this. We will ask you to sign a non-disclosure agreement to confirm this before the session too.
· This research study is being conducted by Basis Research on behalf of a client. Representatives from the client may view your interview, and your image and name may therefore be known to them. your contact details will not be shared with them. we will let you know who the client is by the end of your interview.
Contact Information