LogoRenewals : Information verification

Package check for Paid

Control Variables

Please check the information below which was submitted for the last tax year and update any changes 

If your employer is not deducting tax from your salary, then select No. Please double check the next answer on APIT. If your payslip has a tax deduction, please select Yes.
We will get you a Tax refund if you have overpaid.

Please ensure this information is entered accurately. 
If you have changed address, please pay extra attention here.

Please ensure this information is entered accurately. 
If you have changed address, please pay extra attention here.

The foreign address information requested below is only required if you entered Dual Citizen.

We ask for Bank Account information to send you customized letters to send to each Bank. All you need to do is forward our letter to your Bank and send us their reply. We customize letters for all the Banks so please include them all. 

Certain expenses on behalf of your spouse can be used to your benefit when calculating your tax

Like your spouse, your children's expenses can be deducted from your tax bill as well.