Internal Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)/Partner Intake Request Form

Internal Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
/Partner Intake Questionnaire Request Form

PP Staff Member Information

If no, please add the owner information below.

If the answer is NO to Executed NDA on file, then please update your answer to NDA and Partner Intake Questionnaire Request above. Thank you!

This is required to confirm the Partner's nonprofit status and nonprofit type.

Please identify if this is an individual consultant or a company.

All about your partner / outside party

In this section, we need to find out information about the person, group or business that you will be sharing information with.

Use the legal name of a business, for example, "Acme Products, LLC" and not just "Acme". For individuals, please use their full legal name.

If your description exceeds the maximum amount of characters, please email partnerintake@ppfa.org with more detail on this engagement.

If you have ALREADY started speaking to them, please backdate this to one day before you began engaging with them.

What is the LEGAL address where the outside party is located?

Please consult with the Information Security Third Party Risk Management team (julia.zhen@ppfa.org or madison.barbara@ppfa.org) to confirm whether an InfoSec review is required for your Partner.

Planned Parenthood Signatory

Who will be signing this form on behalf of Planned Parenthood?

(Only an associate who is an employee of the National Office and is a "Director" or equivalent can be the signatory on behalf of Planned Parenthood)

Partner Intake Questionnaire Request Only Questions

Use the legal name of a business, for example, "Acme Products, LLC" and not just "Acme". For individuals, please use their full legal name.

If your description exceeds the maximum amount of characters, please email partnerintake@ppfa.org with more detail on this engagement.
