Yizkor Memorial Book

Our Yizkor Memorial Book is a treasured tradition at Temple Israel. It is distributed at the Yom Kippur Service (Saturday, October 12) and will also be posted as a PDF online.


The Memorial Book automatically includes the names of Temple Israel members and their loved ones who have passed away in the past two years. Those who have plaques in the Memorial Alcove or on the Memorial Menorah are automatically listed.


If you would like to include a listing for your loved one, please share their names  with a contribution of $ 25.00 per name to defray production costs. 

You may also send names via email or by envelope including a check payable to Temple Israel. All forms must be received no later than 9/20/2024. Please contact Sue Misselbeck at 617-566-3960 x 117 or susanm@tisrael.org.

Please enter the name(s) of your loved ones.


Payment Information


Payment Information

Please send a check payable to Temple Israel for the amount listed above.