MPSA Council Member Nomination Form

The Midwest Political Science Association is governed by twenty-two Elected Members of the Council, which includes: the President-Elect (who serves one year in that role), followed by a year as President and then a year as Immediate Past President; three Vice Presidents, who serve staggered three-year terms; a Treasurer, who serves a three-year term; and fifteen Councilors, who serve staggered three-year terms.

Learn more about the current Council and positions here. You must be a professional-level or retiree member to qualify to serve on Council.

You may either nominate a colleague or self-nominate to indicate interest in being considered by the MPSA Nominations Committee to serve as a Member of Council. Interested candidates will be submitted to the Nominations Committee for consideration in the next round of Council nominations. Submission of this form is not a guarantee you will be selected by the MPSA Nominations Committee to be included in the slate of nominees. However, the Nominations Committee shall be guided in its recommendations by the responses received.

Each year, the Nominations Committee presents its slate of nominees for balloting in the Council election. The election of officers occurs at the Business Meeting at the MPSA Conference or by a ballot sent to members if required. The positions of Executive Director, Program Chair(s), and Editor(s) are appointed.

If you have any questions, please contact the MPSA Executive Director at
Nominee Contact Information

Bio/CV submission:
Please provide a website link OR upload a PDF copy

Nominator Contact Information