INS(Integrated Neurological Services)

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INS will hold, process and share your information and data with other health and social care professionals, such as your GP involved in your treatment. Please see our Privacy Notice for information on how we process your data, Thank you.

Referrer Contact Information

Referrer Address

Carer Information

(NHS number should be in this format e.g 000 000 0000)

INS is a charity supporting adults with neurological conditions. Alternative help may be available for under 18s. Please contact your GP, health authority, local council or other charities for advice. If you have any questions, please contact INS at or telephone 020 8755 4000

Carer Address

Carer Additional  Details

You give INS permission to contact the named person in the event of an emergency

If you select No so, We will request this information at assessment.
Emergency Contact

Health & Social Care Professionals involved 

Reason for referral 


INS receive grants from local authorities / NHS and others. They require us to monitor the users of our services. We need to hold information about you to help us provide services. We may share this with NHS and local authorities in a way you cannot be identified. When we record and use your personal information, we only access it when we have good reason, only share what is necessary and don’t sell it to commercial organisations. Please note this part of the referral is not mandatory. 

Please select the relevant answers: 

Client Information

(NHS number should be in this format e.g 000 000 0000)

INS is a charity supporting adults with neurological conditions. Alternative help may be available for under 18s. Please contact your GP, health authority, local council or other charities for advice. If you have any questions, please contact INS at or telephone 020 8755 4000
Client Address

If you select No so, We will request this information at assessment.
Emergency Contact

Health & Social Care Professionals involved 

 If you have any questions, please contact INS at or telephone 020 8755 4000

INS needs the consent of the person you wish to refer to proceed further. Please contact INS on 020 8755 4000 or email for advice

INS is a charity supporting people with neurological conditions. Alternative help may be available. Please contact your GP, health authority, local council or other charities for advice

 If you have any questions, please contact INS at or telephone 020 8755 4000

NEUROLOGICAL CONDITION(S) and details of any other long-term conditions

Reason for referral 



INS receive grants from local authorities / NHS and others. They require us to monitor the users of our services. We need to hold information about you to help us provide services. We may share this with NHS and local authorities in a way you cannot be identified. When we record and use your personal information, we only access it when we have good reason, only share what is necessary and don’t sell it to commercial organisations. Please note this part of the referral is not mandatory. 

Please select the relevant answers: 

 If you have any questions, please contact INS at or telephone 020 8755 4000

Client Information

(NHS number should be in this format e.g 000 000 0000)

INS is a charity supporting adults with neurological conditions. Alternative help may be available for under 18s. Please contact your GP, health authority, local council or other charities for advice. If you have any questions, please contact INS at or telephone 020 8755 4000
Client Address

You give INS permission to contact the named person in the event of an emergency

Emergency Contact

Health & Social Care Professionals involved

NEUROLOGICAL CONDITION(S) and details of any other long-term conditions

Reason for referral 



Carer Details

(NHS number should be in this format e.g 000 000 0000)

INS is a charity supporting adults with neurological conditions. Alternative help may be available for under 18s. Please contact your GP, health authority, local council or other charities for advice. If you have any questions, please contact INS at or telephone 020 8755 4000

Carer Address

You give INS permission to contact the named person in the event of an emergency

Emergency Contact

Health & Social Care Professionals involved

Reason for referral 

 If you have any questions, please contact INS at or telephone 020 8755 4000