Pro Bono Ontario, the National Self-Represented Litigants Network and Tim Roberts and Associates are conducting a research project to see if there are ways that the agencies that provide legal assistance to the public can improve how they offer services to make it more convenient for people like you to get help for their legal problems.
Our records indicate that you contacted Pro Bono Ontario’s Free Legal Advice Hotline in the past 6 months. We want to learn from your experiences. As such, we are asking for your consent to participate in a 15-20 minute telephone survey.
If you agree to participate, we will share the following information with Tim Roberts and Associates (the research firm conducting telephone surveys for us):
- Your name
- Your telephone number
- The date you first contacted the Free Legal Advice Hotline
- The general legal topic you called the Free Legal Advice Hotline about (e.g., a housing problem or dispute about a product or service). WE WILL NOT SHARE DETAILED INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR CASE.
In recognition of your contribution, we are offering a $20 cash gift (provided by e-transfer) to everyone who completes a telephone survey.