Volunteer Attorney Hours Report
Thank you for volunteering with Community Law Center! CLC is a legal services provider which seeks to be a legal partner to neighborhoods and nonprofits in pursuit of more just and vibrant communities. Support from volunteers like you has made it possible for CLC to provide legal assistance to nonprofits in Maryland for over 30 years. For more information about our program, please contact our Pro Bono Coordinator Amy Yontef-McGrath at
or 410-366-0922 x 115.
Attorney First Name
Attorney Last Name
Attorney Firm
Case Information
Total number of hours
Hourly billing rate
This information helps us report to funders on the value of donated services. It is only used in the aggregate and without identifying information
Case is ongoing
Case is closed
Client is unresponsive
Case is on appeal
I would like CLC to assign a new attorney
Case Update
(please describe any milestones reached, including filings, judgments, settlements, monetary awards, debts collected/reduced, or payments avoided)
Add another response
Have you received adequate
from Community Law Center staff throughout your case(s)? (please select one and comment below.)
I would like assistance with...
No, please explain
In the future, I would like assistance with:
Do you have any
for how Community Law Center staff could have done a better job assisting you or your client in handling Pro Bono cases in general?
Community Law Center always needs
new volunteers
Please provide the name and contact information of any attorneys you think may be interested in working with the Pro Bono Program:
Thank you for volunteering with Community Law Center! For any questions or comments, please contact Amy Yontef-McGrath at Amy@communitylaw.org or 410-366-0922 x 115.
Contact Information