United South End Settlements

S.T.E.P 12-month Survey

If you need this translated into another language, or have any questions, please contact us at

Si necesitas la información en otro idioma o ayuda para completar el formulario, por favor contactar directamente a

If you have moved in the past three months, please include your new address:

Page 2: your home & neighborhood

Page 3: financial capabilities & monthy expenses

Financial Capabilities:
One component of the S.T.E.P. program that we'll measure is any impact it has on financial capabilities - the ability to: increase credit scores, increase savings, decrease debts, and secure access to all eligible benefits.


Page 4: reliable childcare, employment, income

Add Jobs here. Select 'Add another response' below to add additional jobs

if yes, USES will reach out to share options for support
Other Income 
Please add non-employment related income here. Click the 'Add another response' at the end to record another income source.

Page 5: financial stability

Within the last 3 months...
Never Almost never Sometimes Fairly often Very often

Page 6: emotional well-being

Below are a list of ways you might have felt or thought. Please select how often you have felt or thought this way over the last six months.

How often have you...

Never Almost never Sometimes Fairly often Very often

Page 7: children's well-being

Child's Social-Emotional Health
*If you have more than one child in your care, please complete one survey per child. Click 'Add another response' at the button to add additional children.
Please fill this out based on what you have observed in the past 3 months: 
Rarely or Never Sometimes Often
Not at all worried A little worried Worried Very worried

How often do you have time or engage in each activity with your child(ren?)
Everyday Few times a week Few times a month We rarely or do not do this activity