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Sign Up for Support to
Reach Your College Goals!
Thank you for your interest in joining Let's Get Ready! Let's Get Ready provides students with FREE college application and college completion support from junior year of high school through college graduation. 

Let's Get Ready is dedicated to expanding educational access and rejecting all forms of discrimination by building a diverse and inclusive community. We reaffirm our commitment and welcome all students, regardless of national origin or citizenship status. ðŸ¦‹

All of Let's Get Ready's programming is offered virtually.
Please refer to our website for more information about our application cycle timelines.

We look forward to receiving your application!
Application Instructions
This application should take about 10 minutes. Please note:
  • This application must be completed in one sitting. You will lose your progress if you close this window.
  • Your answers are confidential.
  • Please fill out only one application. Additional application submissions after your first submission will not be considered.
  • Application submission does not guarantee acceptance. Make sure to check your email every day for updates and any next steps.
  • Click here to learn more about when you can expect to hear back from Let's Get Ready with application status updates.
  • Got questions? Email enrollment@letsgetready.org.
The following questions help us to learn more about you. We use the information you give us to improve our program, our materials, and our communication, as well as to tell our partners and donors more about the people we work with. We only share summary information (without names) with people outside of Let's Get Ready.

The options provided may not fully encompass the way you identify yourself. Please note that in some instances, you can select "prefer not to say" or choose to describe yourself instead of--or in addition to--using the categories provided.

Thank you for helping us learn about you and make our program better. If you have any comments about this application, you can reach us at enrollment@letsgetready.org.
Basic Information

Please tell us your preferred first name if it's different from your legal first name. We will use your preferred first name for communicating with you (and with your parent/guardian if you are still in high school). If you are accepted into Let's Get Ready, you can let your coach know anytime if you go by a different name. If you leave this field blank, we'll use your legal first name.

Contact Information
Let's Get Ready will send text messages and emails to support you on your college journey! To ensure that Let's Get Ready can reach you, please provide your cell phone number and email address below.  If your phone number or email changes, email info@letsgetready.org to let us know right away!
Your cell phone number must be a US phone number. If you have a non-US phone number but still wish to participate, LGR recommends that you download a free US-based texting app. You'll get a US phone number when you sign up on the app of your choice, and you can list that number here.

Some high schools and colleges have a high level of security on their email domains, which means that LGR emails are often blocked. We highly recommend that you list a non-school email address as your primary email so you don't miss these updates. Check your Spam and Promotion folders, since sometimes our emails end up there!

This is a great spot to list a high school or college email! If you are accepted into Let's Get Ready, you can let your coach know if you'd like us to use this email instead as your primary email address after the application process is complete.
Your College Journey
Let's Get Ready provides students with FREE college application and college completion support from junior year of high school through college graduation! Services are led by near-peer college student coaches and are tailored to your college journey. Throughout your time with LGR, you'll have lots of choices about how you engage with LGR college student coaches including:
  • Multiple opportunities to participate in virtual SAT exam prep courses
  • Personalized one-on-one goal-setting, accountability, and encouragement from a current college student
  • Mentoring relationship building with current college students who have been in your shoes
  • Text-based college application, decision, enrollment, and completion support
  • College re-enrollment support if you hit any bumps along the way
  • You can always text "stop" if you no longer want to get to know our awesome coaches, but we think you'll love them!
The next few questions will help us to understand where you are in your college journey and what you hope to gain from joining Let's Get Ready. This will allow us to match you with the Let's Get Ready coaches who best fit your goals! 

Thanks for answering our questions! Based on what you shared, we have some additional questions for you that will help us to tailor our support to your goals as a student in our programs. Click Next Page below to continue your application.
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Sign Up for Support to
Reach Your College Goals!
Let's Get Ready's SAT Prep Program

Technology Availability and Access
Let's Get Ready's SAT preparation course is primarily provided online, including class sessions, practice SAT tests, and emails. In order to best serve you, please indicate your access to the following. (If you don't have access to these things, please still apply! We'll be in touch to help you figure something out!)

Technology Availability and Access
Let's Get Ready will send text messages and emails to support you on your college journey, many of which will contain helpful links or other web-based resources. Please indicate your access to the following.

Let's Get Ready Logo

Sign Up for Support to
Reach Your College Goals!
College Information

If you cannot locate your college/university via this search box, type and select the COLLEGE NOT LISTED option. This will allow you to enter your response manually in the next field.

High School Information
If you cannot locate your high school via this search box, type and select the HIGH SCHOOL NOT LISTED option. This will allow you to enter your response manually in the next field.

If you've taken one of these exams but haven't received your scores back yet, that's okay! Email a copy of your scores to enrollment@letsgetready.org when you receive them.

Do not include your essay score if you took the essay.

Do not include your essay score if you took the essay.

Let's Get Ready Logo

Sign Up for Support to
Reach Your College Goals!
Parent/Guardian Information
After you submit your application, Let's Get Ready will keep in contact with you through the application review period. If you're accepted into our programs, we will send your parent or guardian a form to sign. (If you'll be 18 or older by the time you start, you'll also get a form to sign.) Completing this paperwork is required to reserve your spot with Let's Get Ready, and we can't start supporting you on your college journey without it!

We'll send paperwork to your parent or guardian at the email address you list here. You should list a separate email address; listing a personal or school email address you provided earlier will result in delays in the review of your application. Please double-check the spelling and email domain (i.e., gmail.com, yahoo.com, etc.) before submitting, as incorrect email addresses will also result in delays.

Emergency Contact Information

Emergency Contact Information

Additional Questions
The following questions may strike you as private. We will keep your responses to these questions confidential and accessible only to select LGR staff and organizational partners involved in supporting you and helping LGR improve its services.

Let's Get Ready primarily offers services in English, but when possible, we will make every effort to match a student with a coach who speaks a student's primary language. The next question is optional; you may answer it if you would like us to see if we can match you with a coach who speaks your primary language.

If you cannot locate your language via this search box, type and select the LANGUAGE NOT LISTED option. This will allow you to enter your response manually in the next field.

Click Review below to review your application before submitting.