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Thompson Island Logo

This application for the Green Ambassador's program will take around 15 minutes to complete. If needed, you can use the option to save and continue later.

Green Ambassadors Applicant

Program Year

Applicant Information
Enter information about the person who is applying to be in the Green Ambassadors program.

Only if different from first name

Use a format such as 05/07/2008

The date of birth you have entered is formatted incorrectly. Please try again using a fully formatted date (for example, 04/05/2008).

Applicant Contact Information

Applicant  Address


Parent/Guardian Information
Please enter information about a parent/guardian for the applicant

Parent/Guardian Contact Information

Year One Application Questions

Applicant School Information

Detailed information will be provided once hired

Year Two Application Questions

Reflecting on last year, which topics/components of the 2023 program were most beneficial for your personal and educational growth? Please rate each of the following program pieces:

Please sign up for an interview time slot to complete the application: https://calendly.com/tdiehl-1/green-ambassador-interview

Year Three Application Questions

Reflecting on last year, which topics/components of the 2023 program were most beneficial for your personal and educational growth? Please rate each of the following program pieces:

Please sign up for an interview time slot to complete the application: https://calendly.com/tdiehl-1/green-ambassador-interview

Green Ambassador Application Deadline