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What grade was your child enrolled in during the previous school year?
I give Springboard permission to use the information from this form and from my family's participation in this program to (1) ensure that I can engage in the program (i.e. collect my family's attendance and student's assessment data) and (2) report on the results of this program. I understand that Springboard will remove all information that identifies my family when doing that reporting, such as our names or contact information.
Would you like to be contacted with future opportunities to share your feedback and suggestions to improve our programs?
No sé
Autorizo a Springboard a utilizar la información de este formulario y de la participación de mi familia en este programa para (1) garantizar que pueda participar en el programa (es decir, recopilar la asistencia de mi familia y los datos de evaluación del alumno) y (2) informar sobre los resultados de este programa. Entiendo que Springboard eliminará toda la información que identifique a mi familia al hacer ese informe, como nuestros nombres o información de contacto.
您的孩子/學生是否接受特殊教育服務(個別教育計劃 (Individual Education Program, IEP) 和/或 504 計劃)?
請與我們分享您的學生接受的 IEP/504 計劃的任何詳情,我們會將這些資訊告知您孩子的教師。
What grade was your child enrolled in during the previous school year? 您的孩子在上一學年就讀於哪個年級?
What grade is your child enrolled in during the current school year? 對於學年參與者,您的孩子在當前學年就讀於哪個年級?
本人同意 Springboard 使用此表格中的資訊以及我的家人參與此計劃的資訊,以 (1) 確保本人可以參與本計劃(即收集我家人的出勤率和學生的評估數據)以及 (2) 報告本計劃的結果。本人理解 Springboard 將在報告時刪除能識別本人家人的所有資訊,例如我們的姓名或聯絡資訊。我明白,在計劃結束後,我有權通過直接聯繫 Springboard 來要求將我的信息從 Springboard 的數據系統中刪除。
This program is funded through the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE). I hereby consent to Springboard Collaborative securely releasing personally identifiable information from my child's education records (including enrollment, attendance, assessment data, and qualitative feedback) to the OSSE.