Hale Leadership Development Program Application
Applicant Information
First Name
Last Name
Grade in Fall 2025
Please select...
9th Grade
10th Grade
Applicant Phone
Applicant Email
Caregiver Information
Caregiver Details
First Name
Last Name
Leadership Development Program Selection
Please indicate which program you are applying for:
Please select...
Counselor-In-Training Program (Day Camp)
Coach-In-Training Program (MTB Camp)
Wilderness Guide-In-Training (Adventure Camp)
Have you already completed a summer of Hale's LDP program in the past?
Please select...
Please share with us positions that interest you in camp that you would like to learn more about in the program
Camp Counselor
Activity Specialist
Office Staff
Lifeguard or Swim Instructor
Boating Instructor
Facilities Staff
Why do you want to join one of our Youth Development Programs?
Program Expectations
What do you hope to learn or accomplish by completing one of Hale's Leadership Development Programs?
What do you want the campers to learn from you this summer?
What are you most looking forward to if you are accepted into one of the programs?
Have you ever been to a summer camp? If so, what did you like about your experience?
What was a challenge for you when you attended summer camp?
Have you ever held a job or a volunteer position? If so, please share your responsibilities
Have you ever worked with children? If yes, please share some of your experiences
Please share an example of a challenging group setting you have been in, and how you handled it.
Interview Selection
The next step in our application process is to select your Group Interview Date. We use group interviews to meet our applicants and introduce our cohorts to each other. We use games, challenges and team initiatives to see how applicants engage with peers, participate in games, and lead. Please select your date below:
Please select...
April 23, 2025; 10am-12pm at Hale
May 7, 2025; 4pm-6pm at Hale
I will be joining for my second summer and will not need to attend.
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